cancer2030's Activity (3126)

  • pssa-virgo
    pssa-virgo replied to a comment in
    Omg that's so funny!!
    22 days ago
  • pssa-virgo
    pssa-virgo replied to a comment in
    1.)Compass! 2.)Deck of cards! 3.)The future! Thank you!
    25 days ago
  • iceyqueen
    iceyqueen replied to a comment in
    Hi! I think the first answer is a compass, the second is a deck of cards???, and maybe time or the future? Thanks for the quiz victoria_wise! I can't wait to see the answers!
    25 days ago
  • iceyqueen
    iceyqueen added a new comment in
    This book seems so fascinating and unlike any other books I already own. I would love to discover if this is a series I will enjoy greatly. In addition to this, I hope I can win this book so my brother could read it since it happens to seem like it is at his reading level. Based on the cover, I can definitely tell that he will love it a lot.
    25 days ago
  • iceyqueen
    iceyqueenis now following fernthegal.
    25 days ago
  • pssa-virgo
    pssa-virgo added a new comment in
    Questions: If you could change anything about your life immediately, what would it be?Who would narrate an audio book memoir about your life?If given the chance, would you restart your life?(NOT MY QUESTIONS) You are Amazing and no matter what anyone says never change!! - Spring-Virgo
    27 days ago
  • pssa-virgo
    pssa-virgo added a new comment in
    It's raining so hard so we get a FID day(its when we do online)
    27 days ago
  • pssa-virgo
    pssa-virgo replied to a comment in
    Haha Mother Teeresa is the same zodiac sign, (virgo) she was born a day before me just not the same year!
    27 days ago
  • pssa-virgo
    pssa-virgois now following doglover2012.
    27 days ago
  • pssa-virgo
    pssa-virgois now following doglover2012.
    27 days ago

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